Budhiganga Hydel’s tender process in limbo

  • 1 year ago
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By Shivraj Dhungana,Achham, July 27: The much-hyped 20-Megawatt Budhiganga hydropower project has not been able to complete its tender process, which has hindered progress. The project called international tenders for the construction of its dam, tunnel and powerhouse three times. …

Lumpy skin in oxen affects paddy plantations in Khotang

  • 1 year ago
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By Raj Kumar Bhattarai, Khotang, July 27: Paddy plantation is completed in only 50 per cent of the paddy field in Khotang district as many oxen died and got infected by the lumpy skin disease (LSD). Farmers whose ox/oxen died …

CPN (Maoist Centre) prepares for Central Committee Meeting

  • 1 year ago
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Kathmandu, July 27: The CPN (Maoist Centre) has geared up for its Central Committee Meeting slated for August 2. A meeting of the party office-bearers was held at the Party Central Office, Perisdanda today in this connection. The meeting, chaired …

JCB resumes help for vehicles to cross Pilu River along the Karnali Corridor

  • 1 year ago
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Humla : Again a JCB has started helping the vehicles cross the Pilu River in Budhinanda Municipality of Bajura district along the Karnali Corridor. The locals of Budhinanda and transport operators commuting along the corridor have been demanding a motorable …

Dasharathchand’s deputy mayor to pay for the education of 22 children

  • 1 year ago
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Baitadi, July 27 : Kaushila Chand, the deputy mayor of Dasharathchand Municipality in Baitadi district, has declared to pay for the technical education of 22 children from Ward No. 11 of the municipality from her salary and allowances. According to …

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